Sports Massage
Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling)
Medical Acupuncture also known as dry needling involves inserting fine needles for a therapeutic effect. Overall, it is an adaptation of the Chinese method using modern Western knowledge of anatomy and physiology.
Medical Acupuncture is a technique used to treat dysfunctions in skeletal muscle, fascia and connective tissue. It can diminish persistent peripheral nociceptive input and reduce or restore impairments of body structure and function leading to improved activity and participation.
Kinesiology Taping
Kinesiology taping involves the application of a thin, stretchy, elastic cotton, strip with an acrylic adhesive to the skin. Kinesiology tape provides support for weak or injured muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. This allows for full participation in exercise while minimising the risk of developing compensatory imbalances or injuries. Kinesology tape is durable, shower proof and can be left in place for a few days. This makes it perfect for those taking part in events.

Sports massage is the manipulation of soft tissue to alleviate stress and tension build up in the body. Sports massage is a deep tissue treatment that can help realign muscle fibres and connective tissue and help flush away any toxins. Sports Massage is beneficial to speed up the recovery process but it is also important in the prevention of injuries, maintaining the body in good condition for participation in sport.
Benefits of Sports Massage:
- Decrease muscle tension
- Decrease stress
- Increase blood circulation to promote healing
- Increase lymphatic flow to promote recovery
- Facilitate muscle function and optimise
  sporting performance
Sports Massage is NOT just for a sports person! ANYONE can feel the benefit!

Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Sports Injury Rehabilitation involves treatment or treatments designed to facilitate the process of recovery from injury as effectively and quickly as possible. A rehabilitation programme begins with the main goal of decreasing pain. The patient then progresses through a variety of strengthening, stretching, range of motion, proprioceptive and functional exercises. When a rehabilitation programme is followed and completed correctly the patient returns confidently and safely to sport/activity. The patient is also less at risk of re-sustaining the injury.
Electro-Medical Acupuncture
Electro-Medical Acupuncture is a modified form of traditional manual dry needling in which a pulsating electrical current is applied between pairs of needles using a device. These devices also help to control the frequency and strength of the electrical pulses being delivered.
Common medical conditions that Electro-Medical Acupuncture has been used to treat:
- Relief of acute and chronic pain
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Tendinopathies
- Post-operative pain
- Low back pain
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
Other improvement useful in musculoskeletal conditions:
- Acceleration of tissue repair by increasing circulation
- Increase in blood flow
- Increased muscle control and strengthening
- Reduction in muscle spasticity

Therapeutic Ultrasound
Ultrasound therapy is the use of sound waves to treat musculoskeletal injuries. It has been shown to increase healing rates, tissue relaxation, tissue heating, local blood flow and scar tissue breakdown. The effects of increasing the local blood flow can help reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation. Some studies have also shown that Ultrasound can promote bone fracture healing.

Interferential Therapy
Medium frequency currents are used in two or four pole configurations to produce a low frequency stimulation effect. It is a generic means of stimulation as the machine can be set up to act similar to a TENS type device or to behave more as a muscle stimulator by adjusting the stimulating frequency. The four main applications for Interferential therapy is for pain relief, muscle stimulation, increased blood flow and reduction of oedema.
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Medical Acupuncture can aid in the treatment of:
- Acute or Chronic injuries
- Headaches
- Neck and back pain
- Muscle spasm
- Muscle strains
- Tennis or Golfer's elbow
- TMJ Dysfunction
Benefits of kinesiology tape:
- Normalises muscular function
- Increases vascular and lymphatic flow
- Reduces swelling
- Reduces pain
- Relieves abnormal muscle tension
- Increases proprioception 
 It is important NOT to ignore an injury but to fully RECOVER from it!

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM) is a simple, non-invasive type of soft tissue manipulation that utilises a range of rigid tools to augment soft tissue examination and treatment. The therapy provides a mobilising stimulus to the affected soft tissue structures in order to facilitate the healing process in the injured areas and improve overall mobility and function. The stimulation of soft tissue is thought to induce a local inflammatory response that encourages the release of myofascial adhesions, breakdown of scar tissue, repair and regeneration of collagen, and remodelling of connective tissue.

Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation
Spinal manipulation is an effective adjunct to manual treatment when appropriate, and allows us to move the patient into an exercise rehabilitation phase as fast as possible.
It involves applying a high velocity low amplitude thrust to a joint, this can help us to temporarily reduce muscle tone, reduce symptomatic pain and help improve the quality and quantity of movement of an area.